Sunday, 5 June 2011

GPS watch arrives, legs say 'meh'.

So I got the new Garmin 110 GPS watch on Saturday - very exciting to tear it open and exclaim with delight over the contents... then i remembered I need to stay off my feet for as long as it takes to not be painful to run anymore. So I have a new gadget and can't use it - this doesn't surprise me in the least! All part of the fun - life loves to laugh at us. I love the fact it can act as a normal watch, and even looks like one instead of a garbage truck someone knocked the wheels off of and set on a strap.

The legs are recovering and the tibialis posterior no longer hurts randomly, But, of course, they're just gonna start hurting again the instant I try and run. But what choice to I have? I'd have to be the first guy ever to be totally knocked out of the game less than two months in due to intractable muscular deficiency. So I guess I just need to let ti recover then smash it again - rinse and repeat until it gets stronger or the pain becomes too much.

I should start laying bets and calculating odds on which will win. Me, my money's on pain. Go pain.

Still being doing my planks - up to 4min all-up (2:15, 1:00, 45sec). The pain? It persists. I think they're just a challenge. However, I can really feel even where the abs attach to my pelvis, which I guess is the point. The abs are becoming more visible and I reckon we'll be seeing some horizontal creases within the next month, maybe. First time ever. So yay that. My 30yo face brings all the cheerleaders to the yard, as is to be expected.

Still doing the bicep curls, and have decided after nearly 4 weeks I'm jack of my thumb joint being inflamed, so it's back to pushups but on my fists to spare the thumb joint. I'm guessing it's the pushups which inflamed it. very sore and swollen - however, doesn't hurt in normal range of motion and only on pinch grip and if I stretch it. THB the pain seems centred on the tendons running over the joint. Who knows. Anyhow, it can't keep me from pushups so back to it.

No running tonight - leave that for Wednesday. back on the bike today though. I really hate the bike, and always seem to make excuses for myself to avoid it. But I'm dragging myself today.

If I don't do it, who will?

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