Thursday 2 June 2011

Why hello, shin splints! What kept you?

So, turned up to speedwork at 6am this morning... walked 15min there... kinda twingy... completed the two-lap warmup and blam! Excruciating pain time.

Why? Here's the culprit:

Posterior shin splints - funny name, unfunny results. Okay, maybe a little bit amusing but you hafta be kinda messed up to appreciate the punchline. I suspect it's me.

But it seems easily remedied, according to my research. best I can ascertain, the TIBIALIS POSTERIOR begins deep within the calf, on the tibia. It runs down the inside (medial, or posterior) aspect of our calf, and transforms into a tendon along the way. This tendon slips behind our anklebone, and works to stabilise the foot during midstride and toe-off. If you overpronate (the outside edge of your foot pulls inwards), this tendon undergoes significant stress as it fights this wrenching to keep your foot like the ankle isn't part of the sole.

The remedies? Orthotics help, apparently, but my feeling is this is a cast for a broken leg that may never heal and need the cast forever. I want running long-term, so a big fat BZZZZT on that one at this stage. Remedy number two is to adjust my stride - dangerous, perhaps, but here's the thing - I can tell even from watching my own feet that my right foot pronates a whole lot in flight. I noticed it straight away. Knew it'd be a problem eventually, disappointed to see it a problem so soon. But it is also an opportunity, as I can adjust my stride relatively easily as a beginner. I'd rather sort biomechanics now than a few years down the track (so to speak). So I will add "landing on the ball of my big toe" to the established checklist I have (midfoot strike under the hips, small stride, run tall, lean forward, relax upper body).

Oh, and to not overthink it. :o) I am also going to give the Newton Gravitas a rest and go back to the trusty racing flats (Dunlop Volleys, if you must know!). I suspect the 'lugs' under the forefoot of the Newtons are slight unstable and exacerbate the rolling of my ankle, given they have relatively small surface area and are seated in softer material. Volleys are all good, all the time. So let's go a low-tech solution.

I'm gonna do this! Screw your pissy 'roadblocks', life! I've seen it all before and you don't impress me. I will win this! I pick up my GPS watch (Garmin 110) tomorrow so NOT running will be even harder. But I can take it for a walk, which I'll assume is good recovery, and leave the next run for Sunday or even Monday (Tuesday would perhaps be prudent... sigh. Prudent's so boring).


1.5km trot
Excruciating pain (single dose)

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